Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Priority of Worship - A Ministry Vision (Part 2)

Be sure you read part continuing......

Worship must not only be proper, it must be personal.  That again relates to being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ (see Rom. 12:1-2).  The word in the Romans passage for "transformed" is the word that gives us our word, "metamorphosis".  This means a change from within.  I like to think of this like the old TV show, "The Incredible Hulk".  Bill Bixby was transformed into the Hulk because of something that changed him from within.  The same must be true of believers, transformed by God's power through salvation in Christ.

Relating to worship, that means you can't rely on what I do on Sunday morning (i.e., what I say, the music I select/sing, the Scripture I read, etc.) to generate worship in you.  Neither can I.  Proper, personal worship requires that we are prepared ahead of time, transformed by God and ready to demonstrate outwardly what God has ALREADY DONE inwardly.

Worship must be proper, personal and lastly, purposeful.  Our worship must have a purpose - to glorify God.  We exist and were created to glorify God.  Scripture commands it - "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matt. 22:37).  As the song says, we were made for worship.  God expects nothing less from us, worship that is pleasing to Him....and focused on Him.  He is the audience of our worship.  Anything in our lives or in corporate worship that takes the focus off of God will impact us and others negatively.

The one fact in the Mark 12 passage that I can't forget is this - Jesus was watching the treasury.  He knew how much each person gave and knew the heart and motives of each one.  He knows if we are being faithful in living a lifestyle of worship.  Who is the audience of your worship?  Are you living a life that demonstrates worship to God?  He demands only the best from us.  Let's give it to Him now and always.

Based on all of this, here are some key vision statements I use in church worship ministry.

The worship ministry of the church will be successful when:
1.  Our passion for God is greater than that for performance.
2.  Faithfulness is as important as talent.
3.  Preparation for worship is valued more than musical styles.
4.  Our ministry focus is not limited to the walls of the church.
5.  We have cooperation instead of competition.
6.  Lasting obedience is greater than momentary emotion.

Worshp Ministry Goals:
1.  Honor the Lord in everything we do in ministry.
2.  Train & equip the body for personal, family & corporate worship.
3.  Implement a blended worship style that emphasizes message first, then variety.
4.  Focus on organization & structure under the leadership of the Spirit.
5.  Strive for significant, measurable growth numerically & spiritually in all ministries.
6.  Faithfully develop the musical abilities of every ministry group.
7.  Develop leadership to help grow the ministry.

May God be glorified as I grow in Him and become equipped to lead & serve others.

Pastor Randy

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