Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ministry Begins in the Home

This blog post is written to my family:  Felicia, Megan, Kelsey, Daniel & Matt.........

As I sat in the worship service today, the music took my breath away as we sang frequently about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us.  The message was awesome, as usual, speaking about the biblical principles of dating.  It reminded me of the many conversation Felicia and I have had with our children on this subject (and still have!).  Then, at the end of the service, we observed the Lord's Supper.  I did what I always do just before that begins - I pray for God to search my heart and reveal sin in me, so that I can confess it to Him before taking the Lord's table.  As I prayed, I believe God revealed something that I've needed to see for about 2 years.

I always felt blessed to be called to Christian ministry.  The call started with bi-vocational church ministry, where I was able to serve in various roles in several awesome churches.  It continued 9 years ago when I was blessed to become part of the faculty at NRCA.  God has always provided and worked through these ministries in ways I could not imagine.  Over and over again, He always did a great work in me, our family, and the ministry work.  In addition, even when I was serving in both ministries at the same time, He made it work in our family, providing grace for all situations each day and giving us more grace even when we didn't deserve it.  He protected us that way, and at the same time, covered up those times when my time was divided between the work of ministry and my family.

But a little over 2 years ago, the church ministry stopped, at least for now.  I think our entire family breathed a little for the first time in many years, thinking we were gaining a time of rest and renewal from the grind of ministry life.  We did get much of that and so much more from day one at The Summit Church.  I will always be thankful to God for bringing us to Summit.  There is not enough space here to list all the great things God has done for us and in us here.  I am so thankful for being a part of this church.

When we left the last church ministry role, I was given a great opportunity to return to the primary ministry role He has called me to - my family.  All of the time and energy I had poured into the church role could now be used to build up and minister to my family.  Boy, we really needed it, too.  While we enjoyed the ministry work and made many friends, it was very difficult at times.  And it has left some scars on us that God is continuing to heal.  Now was the time for me to be the pastor of my most important ministry - Felicia, Megan, Kelsey, Daniel, and Matt.

But what I believe God revealed to me this morning is this.  I have done some of what God called me to do that day a little over 2 years ago, but I have not completely been obedient to what He desired for me to do.  It's been too easy to channel that extra time and energy to other things, mostly school responsibilities and other personal things that I wanted to do.  I've not been non-existent in family ministry, but I've not been all God has called me and made me to be.

I think that being the pastor of my home will always be the hardest ministry that God has given me.  Maybe it's too easy to focus more at school or in other places and things.  We are often drawn towards things that take us away from doing hard things.  I know God has also called me to do other things that I have been negligent in - reading more, taking care of myself, looking for ways to serve others, etc.  God reminded me today that He saved me so I can serve Him by serving others.  And being faithful to what He has called me to do.  I also realize this means I'll have to say "no" to a lot of good things and opportunities to ensure I can do the most important things.

So, Felicia, Megan, Kelsey, Daniel, and Matt - I'm sorry for not being all that God has called me to be over the last few years.  I've been there and have been a part of some of His work in your lives, but He wanted me to do more.  My renewed commitment is to continue to improve and make the role of being the pastor of my home the highest priority.  Thank you for being patient with me, even in those times when I disappointed you.

Felicia, I want to continue to become the husband you need me to be.  To love you as Christ loved the church, and to help you become the woman of faith He wants you to be.  I love you.

Megan & Kelsey, I know you're not in our home any more, but I desire to still invest in what God is doing in your lives as well.  I hope you will continue to pray for me and allow me to be a valuable part of your lives.  I pray for you both every day.  I love you both.

Daniel & Matt, I'm blessed that you are still at home.  But the time is running short, and I desire to make the time the best it can be as God leads us.  You are growing into men of faith, and I want to help you to grow into something great for the glory of God.  I love you both.

Pray for me.  I need God's strength to help me obey His call on me.  I want Him to make me the best pastor of my home.

Pastor Randy

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Great song......incredible lyrics.  Especially as we've just celebrated Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.  Sharing them with you.....for His glory.


The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was broken
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse upon Him

One final breath He gave
As heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged
The power of hell forever broken

The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated

Now forever He is glorified
Forever He is lifted high
And forever He is risen
He is alive and He is alive

We sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah
We sing hallelujah the Lamb has overcome
We sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah
We sing hallelujah

And now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has overcome
He's overcome

Brian Johnson | Christa Black Gifford | Gabriel Wilson | Jenn Johnson | Joel Taylor | Kari Jobe
© 2013 KAJE Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
Worship Together Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Bethel Music Publishing

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Best Supporting Actors Tell the Easter Story

I decided this year to focus the classroom devotions during passion week on something a little different.  I had already been thinking and praying about this, but the idea was completely confirmed after hearing the message at The Summit Church this past weekend.  My students attend a Christian school, so they are pretty familiar with the main Easter story - Jesus Christ giving His life for us all, being arrested, put on trial, crucified, buried, and rising again on the third day.

But what about some of the lesser known characters in the Easter story?  I chose a few of these characters to talk about, using the Luke 23 passage.  It gave me an opportunity to look at some examples of symbolism that I believe helps put the message of Easter in perspective.  I have been careful not to try to add anything to the text - just simply giving the students something to think about.

Simon the Cyrenian (Lk. 23:26)

Simon is the guy who is coming in from the country for Passover.  He arrives and is watching the events unfold in Jerusalem.  Jesus has been arrested and put on trial, leading to the decision to have Him crucified.  He is beaten and bloody, mocked and spit upon, and forced to carry His own cross to Golgotha.  He buckles under the weight of the cross, and a guard tells Simon to pick up the cross and carry it for Jesus.  The text says "and on him (Simon) they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus."  Probably not the day Simon had in mind.

Think about these ideas based on Simon's experience:

- He was just coming into Jerusalem for Passover - not to get involved in these events.
- I'm not sure if he even knew who Jesus was - but by the time this was over, he sure would.
- What if I had been in Simon's place?  Man, that still blows my mind to think about.  What if it were me that had to carry Jesus' cross?
- Isn't this what God calls me to do....daily?  Take up my cross and follow Him.
- Simon picks up the cross which had to have Jesus' blood on it, thus making Simon unclean.  How does Simon reconcile that with his knowledge of Jewish law and the coming Passover?
- I wonder if Simon thought about this - he's carrying the cross that Jesus would be crucified on, and Jesus is being crucified because of Simon's sin (and yours and mine, too).  Jesus came to die the death we deserved and give us the life we didn't deserve.
- I wonder what Simon did next?

Joseph of Arimathea (Lk. 23:50-53)

Joseph is a council member (Sanhedrin) who was a just man.  Scripture says he didn't agree with the decision to crucify Jesus.  It seems to indicate that Joseph was a believer.  But he was also in a position of power and influence.  He goes to Pilate and asks for Jesus' body to bury Him.  This was probably a risky move for Joseph - trying to honor Jesus as the Christ while maintaining his positional authority on the council.

Joseph takes the body of Jesus down from the cross, wraps Him in a linen shroud, and laid Him in a tomb carved out of the rock.  The line shroud and tomb seem to be indications of Joseph's wealth and means.  It also may indicate that perhaps Joseph had purchased these items for himself, but chose to use them for Jesus.

Think about these ideas based on Joseph's experience:

- Joseph gave his best offering for Jesus - the linen shroud and tomb.  These items were fit for those in high positions, maybe even a king.
- Joseph was willing to step out in faith regardless of the consequences.
- Joseph's willingness to go to Pilate to get Jesus' body ensured that nothing else would be done with the body - either leaving the body on the cross or seeing it discarded some other way.
- God used Joseph's actions with the linen shroud and tomb as part of His plan for the resurrection.
- Think about this idea - Joseph gave up the linen shroud and tomb he purchased for his death and gave them to the One who gave His life for Joseph.  Jesus died the death Joseph (and we) deserve so that we would not have to.  He did this to give Joseph (and us) the life we don't deserve and can't earn.

The Disciples (Lk. 24:13-53)

This event occurs after the resurrection.  It starts with Jesus appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  These guys don't know what to think about all that's happened.  Jesus talks with them and shares from the Scriptures, starting from the OT and the prophets, and shares the Gospel with them.  Later on, Jesus also appears to His disciples, proving to them that He had in fact risen from the dead.  He also affirms that it was necessary for things to happen this way, so that repentance and forgiveness of sins could be real.

The disciples were a stubborn bunch, weren't they?  But the Scriptures also say that their eyes and understanding were not yet opened to all this truth.  But as Jesus opened their eyes and understanding, it led to a great worship experience that would help to move these disciples to be faithful witnesses of Him.

Think about these ideas based on the disciples' experience:

- I love how the Bible says the two men's hearts burned within them when Jesus talked to them.  Man, that's what I want.  I want God's Word and His Spirit to speak to me, and for my heart to burn when He speaks.
- Jesus made many appearances to His disciples before ascending to heaven.  In doing so, He confirmed before many witnesses that He is alive.
- I pray that when Jesus speaks to me I am listening.  But more than that, I desire to know He is speaking to me, affirming His Word and His direction for every area of my life.
- I pray that I will not tempt God by asking to see proof of His direction for me.  I believe He lives.  It's time to get busy in obedience.  When He speaks, I move.
- May the end of this text be my life - when Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were continually praising God.

As we approach Good Friday and Resurrection Day on Sunday, these characters give me even more opportunities to reflect on God's goodness to me.  Jesus Christ came to give us eternal life, by giving His life for ours.  He died on the cross to pay the debt of my sin.  He was raised from the dead, and He lives today.  Because He lives, I have life now beyond anything I can imagine, and I have life eternally with Him.

Not bad for a group of best supporting actors in this awesome story.  That's a lot to digest.  Which is why I'm glad I have a life time to read God's Word and meditate on it.  For His glory.

Mr. B.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Thoughts

Just some thoughts & ideas on this snow day.......

I wonder why people in the south are wound so tight about bread and milk just before the snow falls.  Why not make sure you've got bacon?  Or snack foods?  Strange....

I wonder why students are never totally happy when they get a snow day off from school.  They either are mad that the school didn't make the call earlier....or that the school made the call too early in the morning and not the night before...or that they have to make up the day later on.  Guess it has to do with the idea that life is all about them.  Well, it's not.

I wonder why is snow white?  I'm sure there's a good scientific reason.  Well, here you go:

I wonder how much people laugh at us in the south when we shut everything down after the first snow flake falls, when other areas of the country get so much more snow and yet can still function well.

I wonder what is the best way to make snow cream?  I haven't had any since last year.  Add enough chocolate syrup and everything tastes a little better.

I wonder why people in the south can't take a driving class to learn how to drive in snow?  That would help us all be smarter on the roads when we do drive in bad weather.  Maybe make it a part of driver's ed or a requirement to get your driver's license.

I wonder why I'm not sleeping right now......

Mr. B.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Roadmap

Each year I create a set of goals for the new year.  I call this a roadmap, not resolutions.  I don't like resolutions, mainly because I can never keep them.  I prefer a roadmap, much like I used when I was a worship pastor in the local church.

A roadmap is something that I create under the leadership of the Spirit and the Word.  It's a set of goals and objectives based on how I believe God is leading me.  Since He leads me in this, that means the goals are not completely different from year to year.  Usually they just get refined and get more and more specific.  This roadmap is something that God can change and refine in me throughout the year, as He leads.  That's what makes this different than your typical resolutions.  If I don't keep a resolution, I just shrug my shoulders and say maybe next year.  If I don't hit a goal in the roadmap, I get convicted by the Spirit and must make the changes necessary to get back on track.

I will confess that while I reorganized my roadmap a lot this year, the content didn't really change very much.  Along with that process came enormous conviction that I didn't do so well with my goals in 2014.  I got caught up in the busyness of life last year and only realized what had happened the few times I went back to the roadmap during the year.  My commitment is to do regular checkpoints in 2015.  But I'm trusting God to do this work in me.  I've shown that I can't do it on my own.

My roadmap has a lot of detail in it, which I believe is required in order to ensure success.  Details and measurements are critical.  I won't share all those details in this blog post.  But I will share the high level goals I have from the Lord for 2015.

I encourage you to consider doing the same as we start the new year.  Spend time in prayer along with the Scriptures.  Seek God on the things He desires.  Then strap in for a great 2015 as He leads.

2015 Roadmap

1.  Love God through daily spiritual growth to be a reflection of Christ & a faithful witness of Him.

2.  Shepherd my family as my primary ministry priority.

3.  Fulfill God's call of ministry on me as a husband, father, minister, teacher, leader, & servant.

4.  Love others by investing in relationships that display the Gospel to them.

In addition, I really like a recent post by Alvin Reid ( that speaks to some great goals for the new year.  Here are a few of his thoughts, which I will also look to adopt in 2015 and in the future:

1.  Focus daily on your calling.

2.  Value margin.

3.  Learn to say "NO".

4.  Learn to delegate.

5.  Value spiritual disciplines & Sabbaths, including personal retreats.

6.  Exercise and eat well.

7.  Focus on individuals more than crowds.

I'm praying you'll be successful in 2015 by focusing on God's roadmap for you.

Mr. B.