Thursday, February 17, 2011

"I am the Lord"

I’ve recently entered a study of Exodus in my quiet time. Today, I worked through chapters 5-6. I’m sure you know the story well. Moses has been called by God to go to Pharaoh and free the Israelites from bondage. I can completely relate to how Moses felt about this. He doesn’t believe he is up to the task that God has called him to do.

Moses gives almost every excuse in the book. I can’t be the one You want to use (Ex. 3:11). But they will not listen to me (Ex. 4:1). I can’t say the right words (Ex. 4:10). Lord, why don’t You send someone else (Ex. 4:13). And then, when the first meeting with Pharaoh didn’t go well, Moses was at it again. Lord, why did You send me (Ex. 5:22). Lord, You haven’t done what You said You’d do (Ex. 5:23). Does any of this sound familiar? When you read these passages, God always responds to each of Moses’ complaints or excuses.

Then I read God’s response to Moses starting in chapter 6. God says something that, to me, is incredibly important: “And God spoke to Moses and said to him: ‘I am the Lord.’” In chapter 6 alone, I count five times God says this: “I am the Lord.” This simple statement affirms everything about who God is, how He works, and that He can be trusted to make a way. Even in the most difficult circumstances.

This is the same God we are commanded to worship in spirit and truth. I believe if we are surrendered to God, then it will be displayed in how we lead in corporate worship. Surrendering demonstrates our trust in Him to do awesome things in our worship….because He is the Lord. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Absolutely not! The lost can be saved, lives can be changed, hearts can be reconciled to Him, impossible situations can improve, sickness can be healed, and much more.

God isn’t going to ask us to do things we can do in our own strength. That means when we’re following His direction, we’re acting in His strength, in His provision for us. Remember – He is the Lord. Let’s commit to lead worship in His strength & provision, not our own. If we do this, I think the truth in Ephesians 3:20-21 comes to life: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Pastor Randy

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Christian Persecution....and Chick-Fil-A

Well, now I've certainly heard it all.  Hang with me as I get on my soapbox for a moment.

You're probably heard the story of a CFA restaurant in Pennsylvania who provided food for an event recently.  The group that was meeting apparently supports strong marriages, and does not approve of gay marriage.  CFA's president stated that the restaurant owners were only providing food for the group's meeting, just like they do for many others.  Their provision of food was not a specific endorsement of the group's ideals or beliefs.  Needless to say, the airwaves and blogs are hot with criticism of CFA over this, including direct attacks on the restaurant's organization itself, which is based on biblical principles.

I have one thing to say to those who would use this as an opportunity to burn up the wires:  get a life.  If you don't agree with what a company believes, runs its company, or who it gives food to, then just don't go there anymore.  It never ceases to amaze me that these people, who speak/preach in the name of tolerance, obviously don't have a clue what the word "tolerance" means.  Apparently their definition of tolerance is that everyone should tolerate what you believe completely, and if you don't, then you're being intolerant.  Go check your dictionary and then come talk to me.

When it comes to Christians, it seems we are the only ones that it's ok to be intolerant towards.  CFA is a privately held company that is certainly free to run it's business as it desires, as long as it's according to the law.  If I don't like something they stand for, then I can go somewhere else.  But this isn't surprising, since God's Word tells us that we will be persecuted, just like Jesus Christ.

I applaud CFA for their business practices, as they have done nothing to my knowledge that causes me to question them.  They are making a stand for Christ in a world that is growing more and more intolerant of Christian beliefs and practices.  And I believe our persecution isn't going to get better - only worse.

So, in addition to standing firm on my own beliefs, I'm going mor chikin.

Pastor Randy