Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jesus Hates Religion. Or Does He?

You've probably seen the video already.  It's into the millions of hits on youtube.  So, does Jesus hate religion?  Here are my "brief" thoughts on the video and the message it's trying to communicate.

First, I applaud and appreciate what I believe is the intent behind the video, and the guy who made it.  I agree with many of the messages in it.  I also appreciate the fact that it was made in a culturally-relevant manner, which certainly appeals to a younger audience, both students and adults alike.  I also very much like the primary message of the video - it's all about a relationship with Jesus Christ.  That will always be the hope of the Gospel - that we were dead in our trespasses and sins, and God sent His Son to be our sacrifice.  Without that relationship, we will be eternally separated from Him.  Praise God for His indescribable gift!

Here are some of my concerns.

1.  While I like that the video was made in a culturally-relevant manner, I'm concerned that younger people (in terms of age and belief) are already sold out to it without completely examining the content.  The video is well made, almost in a rapping style as a poem.  It moves very fast and makes it difficult to catch all the text well.  I encourage everyone to Google the text and study it for themselves.  Don't just accept something because it sounds right and is made in a way that relates to the culture.

2.  So what's so wrong with #1 anyway?  Well, I had the chance to preach on this a few weeks ago.  The idea is that while our methods can and must change, the message never does.  Paul tells the Corinthians that he has become all things to all people, so that some might be saved.  But Paul never did anything that contradicted Scripture.  I'm all for new methods to communicate the Gospel, including ways that are relevant to today's culture.  But we must ensure that the entire counsel of Scripture is maintained in everything we do.

3.  And about the entire counsel of Scripture thing - I don't believe Jesus hates religion.  He certainly came to change what religion is all about, and He certainly came to proclaim a message that went against the thinking and actions of many religious leaders.  Jesus spoke out many times in the Bible against the motives of these leaders.  But the issue here is not religion as much as it's about man's sinfulness, pride, self-righteousness, etc.  Man is the one who tries to make religion a gateway or path to God, based entirely on what he can do.  That's clearly not what the Bible teaches.  In this sense, it is about a relationship with our Savior.  We must be careful to evaluate the messages (and videos) we fully affirm in light of all Scripture.

4.  I'm concerned that someone who watches this video will get a negative perspective, and possibly a false justification, about the church.  I know the speaker says he's for the Bible and the church.  But many in our culture associate the church with rules and regulations.  They can be quick to associate those religious leaders from the Bible with today's church and its leaders.  Now, I'm not saying that every church in the US is doing everything consistent with the Bible.  But I do not want to give any more ammunition to those looking for justification to avoid church and the ministries of it, especially regular, small group Bible study.  Oh yes, and the accountability that comes with it.  If it's really all about a relationship, then a believer should crave the chance to grow in the Word and be held accountable.  Not to mention the chance to worship with other believers of like mind.  And it's what we are commanded to do in Scripture.

5.  The true Gospel will always drive us to obedience once that relationship exists.  It's not just about getting saved and waiting for heaven.  God desires us to walk in a manner worthy of Jesus.  That means we must follow the counsel of Scripture here, with its commands and instructions.  Some may watch this video and then be left to determine which commands and instructions should be followed, and which may be, say, optional.  You can't lump everything together into "rules".  I believe in the inerrancy of God's Word.  It is without error.  It is to be followed and obeyed.  Doing so pleases God, which is the main point of that relationship anyway.

Let me reiterate - I like the video overall.  I appreciate the intent and message it conveys.  I am convicted by several statements made personally.  I just want us to evaluate all we see and hear in light of God's Word and under the leadership and teaching of the Holy Spirit.  By the way, I've read a number of blogs the last couple of days that speak even more to the video.  Here are some links if you're interested:

As for our family, I am thinking we will watch the video together as a family soon.  Then we'll spend a great deal of time talking about it.  I'm planning to print out the words for everyone to read through, so we can focus on the true message here.  I'm sure we'll all grow closer to the Lord through this.  I pray you will also.

Pastor Randy


  1. Good thoughts Randy! Those concerns and compliments echo many of my own.

  2. Excellent blog, honey! Definitely made me think about it more thoroughly and I'm looking forward to us talking about it with the kids. :-)
