Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas and Those Who Suffer This Year

It's almost Christmas.  I am probably much like you, in that this is a very busy time of year.  I'm finishing up teaching and looking forward to a break.  I'm just getting past probably the busiest time of the music ministry year - musicals, special services, and more.  As usual, the stores remember me from years past as the guy who waits until the last minute to finish his Christmas shopping.  All in all, a fairly normal year.

But this year in particular, God is reminding me of a large number of people who are suffering at this time.  The holidays are not always a positive time for many, for a variety of reasons.  But my heart goes out to several families I know who are either suffering the loss of loved ones or are dealing with life-threatening illnesses right now.  Some of the family losses have occurred just in the last week, where tragedy has struck or long-term sickness and disease has claimed the life of a family member.  Plus, there are families I know who are struggling with financial concerns, job losses, family relationship stress, and much more.  My prayer for these families is that God will minister to them in a powerful way this Christmas season.  That may or may not take the form of more gifts under the tree.  It will most likely take the form of comfort, encouragement, peace and joy.

I, too, struggle at times during the holidays.  I can get too busy with all my responsibilities.  I also miss my parents who went home to be with the Lord seven years ago.  I miss being able to spend time with my brother and his family.  But God has blessed me beyond my greatest expectations.  He is providing for my needs and giving me everything I need, most importantly a relationship with Him.  The joy He gives outlasts anything else.

No matter if you're extremely happy about the holidays right now, or if you're struggling just to make it through today, the same God is on His throne and ready to encourage you.  The focus of Christmas is on Christ, our Lord and Savior who was wrapped in human flesh to pay a ransom for us.  Let the world say what it wants, but those who know Christ also know the truth.  To God be the glory for His indescribable gift!

Pastor Randy

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Bridges:
    Great blog! Thanks for sharing.
    Alicia Pearce - Amelia's mom!
