As 2009 winds down the next couple of days, I thought it would be good to both reflect on the past and look forward to the future. For me personally, not only is 2009 about over, but I just had another birthday as well. And we're about to enter 2010, and just as important, a new decade in the 21st century.
This was a very good year for me overall. I saw God work in so many great ways. He guided me through a church ministry transition, continued to bless my teaching ministry, showed glorious provision for my family more times than I can name, and much more. I saw my daughter, Megan, graduate from high school and begin a successful college career at NC State. I watched my daughter, Kelsey, become 16 and continue to strive for excellence in all she does. My sons, Daniel & Matthew, are growing up so fast, and I see God beginning to prepare them for greatness in the kingdom. And God continues to grow my love for my wife, Felicia, more every day. His fingerprint is all over her. All in all, a very good 2009.
As for my birthday, well.....this one makes me 45 years old. I must confess I had to stop and do the math this year to be sure I got that right. I took some long looks at myself in the mirror as well. While I like some of the things I see (all God's work, not my own), I know that God has more work to do in me. Over the next year before my next birthday, I pray I will surrender more of me than ever to Him.
Which leaves the new decade that begins in only 3 days. It seems like only yesterday that I watched all the news coverage on New Year's Eve going into 2000. And now 10 years have passed. As I think about some of my goals for the new year and new decade, I'm reminded of these in particular:
- to glorify God in everything I do, say, think, believe, express, etc.
- to love my wife as Christ loves the church, willing to give myself for her
- to make my wife & children my primary ministry as unto the Lord
- to serve faithfully in the ministries God has provided - both school & church
Those are probably more obvious. But I assure you I have not nearly arrived on them. Especially with my family. I need God's power working in me.
But here are a few more goals that are also close to my heart:
- to live my life with an increasing passion for Jesus Christ
- to accept God's ongoing process of humbling me with joy
- to not waste my life with things of no eternal value
- to magnify my Lord through both joy & suffering, leaning on His power & will
- to take Spirit-led risks that honor God through simple trust in Him
- to invest Christlikeness in others for making much of Christ in others & the world
- to be willing to give up anything God desires, even my own life
- to be a living sacrifice, holy & pleasing to God every day
I am a major work in progress in God's sight. But I praise Him that He is working on me while giving me the chance to join Him in His work daily. I pray that I'm becoming a better student of the Teacher each day. And may the truth of God's Word be true of me: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
Pastor Randy
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