Friday, December 18, 2009

The 2009 Bridges Christmas Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Once again as Christmas draws near and a new year dawns, we are thankful for an opportunity to share a few of the many ways that the Lord has blessed our family over the past year. We are giving our letter electronically this year. We hope that it will be accepted in the spirit it is intended which is one of love and good stewardship of our financial and natural resources.

When last we wrote, Megan was considering whether to attend Liberty University, Western Carolina University, or Appalachian State University. In January, after being accepted to all three schools, she promptly decided that she wanted to go to North Carolina State University! Randy and I, being die-hard Wolfpack alumni, were perfectly happy with that decision. Having missed the fall deadline for all scholarships specific to NCSU, we were a little nervous about how it would work out. But as always, God faithfully provided above all we could ask or imagine. Megan moved on campus in August & almost immediately auditioned and was cast in her first college production, Amadeus. She has adjusted quickly to college life and is doing exceptionally well in all her classes. She has also been able to work all semester on campus at the information booth where she is able to study and do homework while she works! Megan was blessed to also be able to travel to Europe with her senior class in May – a once-in-a-lifetime trip. She enjoyed it tremendously and came home saying things like, “Ciao”! To all those whose wonderful graduation gifts helped make her travel possible – she sends a very special thank you! She also got to spend a couple of weeks at the beach – one with the youth group and one with her boyfriend, Derek, and his parents.

Our church ministry is also changing as we speak. God has called us to leave our church home of the past five years, Watkins Chapel Baptist Church. We feel a bit like Abraham and Sarah who God called to set out without telling them exactly where they were headed. This was a difficult decision for our family and one we committed to prayer for quite some time. But we stepped out in faith, and God provided for us immediately. Within two weeks after leaving Watkins Chapel, Randy was called as the Interim Music Minister at Wakefield Baptist Church in Wake Forest, NC. Randy continues to teach math at NRCA and is constantly amazed at how God has blessed his ministry there. We are confident that God has more great things in store for us.

Felicia is still enjoying working as HR Manager for the North Carolina Turnpike Authority. After a very difficult year due to the economic downturn, they have recently broken ground on their first project and she is excited about having positions to fill once again. She has also been trying to jumpstart her writing by participating in the National Novel Writing Month in November. This is a contest where participants try to write 50,000 words – essentially a 150 page novel – in one month. She is pleased to say that she did complete her novel and is currently editing it before sending it out to a few brave souls interested in reading it!

Kelsey had a big year this year. She turned 16 in October and was very excited to get her license and to be able to (finally) date the young man she has been “not dating” for almost two years. Spencer has spent quite a bit of time with the family, even joining us on a trip or two to the lake and with the youth group for a week at the beach. Kelsey spent a week working with migrant workers’ children at Camp Caleb in Islamorada, FL. This was a mission trip sponsored by NRCA. Kelsey enjoyed the trip very much and is looking forward to going back again this year. She continues to enjoy being a leader in the Marching Band, serving this year as Squad Captain. Sophomore year is probably the toughest year academically at NRCA, but she is doing a great job keeping her grades up. She is particularly proud that she has an A in AP Biology – one of the most challenging classes offered.

Daniel is enjoying being in fifth grade. He loves having a locker and the variety that comes with changing classes throughout the day. He continues to be our comic relief and is always able to make us laugh! Daniel is in his second year in the school concert band, playing the trombone better than ever. He was selected by his Bible teacher last year to participate in the first National Bible Bee on the local level. He and his brother have become Wii addicts and play every chance they get! Daniel also sang with Randy on our last Sunday at Watkins Chapel. He loves to sing as much as possible. It’s hard to believe that this time next year, Daniel will be in middle school. Where does the time go!

Matthew is in second grade now and has taken to referring to himself and signing his papers “Matt”. We are trying to allow him the freedom and independence to be called what he wants, even though we prefer Matthew. Matthew, Daniel, and Felicia enjoyed taking Tae Kwon Do last spring, but decided that even though their motto was “A black belt is a white belt that never gave up”, we weren’t into it enough to get to the black belt level. Matthew had a lot of fun in this year’s school Christmas musical, “Angel Alert”. He was one of the sheep in the stable where Jesus was born. He also enjoys creating his own stories and movies, usually involving legos, Indiana Jones, or various cartoons. You just watch – he’ll be the next Steven Spielberg. Then Randy & Felicia can retire in style!

Well, that is all the news we have from the Bridges’ home. You can follow us throughout the year on Facebook, Twitter, and Randy’s blog. We hope that you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior and that the New Year draws you ever closer to Him!

Merry Christmas !!!

Randy, Felicia, Megan, Kelsey, Daniel, & Matt Bridges

1 comment:

  1. Hi Randy and Felicia,

    Thanks for the update! We always enjoy reading about what your family is up to. I hope we can all get together soon.

