As 2009 winds down the next couple of days, I thought it would be good to both reflect on the past and look forward to the future. For me personally, not only is 2009 about over, but I just had another birthday as well. And we're about to enter 2010, and just as important, a new decade in the 21st century.
This was a very good year for me overall. I saw God work in so many great ways. He guided me through a church ministry transition, continued to bless my teaching ministry, showed glorious provision for my family more times than I can name, and much more. I saw my daughter, Megan, graduate from high school and begin a successful college career at NC State. I watched my daughter, Kelsey, become 16 and continue to strive for excellence in all she does. My sons, Daniel & Matthew, are growing up so fast, and I see God beginning to prepare them for greatness in the kingdom. And God continues to grow my love for my wife, Felicia, more every day. His fingerprint is all over her. All in all, a very good 2009.
As for my birthday, well.....this one makes me 45 years old. I must confess I had to stop and do the math this year to be sure I got that right. I took some long looks at myself in the mirror as well. While I like some of the things I see (all God's work, not my own), I know that God has more work to do in me. Over the next year before my next birthday, I pray I will surrender more of me than ever to Him.
Which leaves the new decade that begins in only 3 days. It seems like only yesterday that I watched all the news coverage on New Year's Eve going into 2000. And now 10 years have passed. As I think about some of my goals for the new year and new decade, I'm reminded of these in particular:
- to glorify God in everything I do, say, think, believe, express, etc.
- to love my wife as Christ loves the church, willing to give myself for her
- to make my wife & children my primary ministry as unto the Lord
- to serve faithfully in the ministries God has provided - both school & church
Those are probably more obvious. But I assure you I have not nearly arrived on them. Especially with my family. I need God's power working in me.
But here are a few more goals that are also close to my heart:
- to live my life with an increasing passion for Jesus Christ
- to accept God's ongoing process of humbling me with joy
- to not waste my life with things of no eternal value
- to magnify my Lord through both joy & suffering, leaning on His power & will
- to take Spirit-led risks that honor God through simple trust in Him
- to invest Christlikeness in others for making much of Christ in others & the world
- to be willing to give up anything God desires, even my own life
- to be a living sacrifice, holy & pleasing to God every day
I am a major work in progress in God's sight. But I praise Him that He is working on me while giving me the chance to join Him in His work daily. I pray that I'm becoming a better student of the Teacher each day. And may the truth of God's Word be true of me: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
Pastor Randy
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
The 2009 Bridges Christmas Letter
Dear Family and Friends,
Once again as Christmas draws near and a new year dawns, we are thankful for an opportunity to share a few of the many ways that the Lord has blessed our family over the past year. We are giving our letter electronically this year. We hope that it will be accepted in the spirit it is intended which is one of love and good stewardship of our financial and natural resources.
When last we wrote, Megan was considering whether to attend Liberty University, Western Carolina University, or Appalachian State University. In January, after being accepted to all three schools, she promptly decided that she wanted to go to North Carolina State University! Randy and I, being die-hard Wolfpack alumni, were perfectly happy with that decision. Having missed the fall deadline for all scholarships specific to NCSU, we were a little nervous about how it would work out. But as always, God faithfully provided above all we could ask or imagine. Megan moved on campus in August & almost immediately auditioned and was cast in her first college production, Amadeus. She has adjusted quickly to college life and is doing exceptionally well in all her classes. She has also been able to work all semester on campus at the information booth where she is able to study and do homework while she works! Megan was blessed to also be able to travel to Europe with her senior class in May – a once-in-a-lifetime trip. She enjoyed it tremendously and came home saying things like, “Ciao”! To all those whose wonderful graduation gifts helped make her travel possible – she sends a very special thank you! She also got to spend a couple of weeks at the beach – one with the youth group and one with her boyfriend, Derek, and his parents.
Our church ministry is also changing as we speak. God has called us to leave our church home of the past five years, Watkins Chapel Baptist Church. We feel a bit like Abraham and Sarah who God called to set out without telling them exactly where they were headed. This was a difficult decision for our family and one we committed to prayer for quite some time. But we stepped out in faith, and God provided for us immediately. Within two weeks after leaving Watkins Chapel, Randy was called as the Interim Music Minister at Wakefield Baptist Church in Wake Forest, NC. Randy continues to teach math at NRCA and is constantly amazed at how God has blessed his ministry there. We are confident that God has more great things in store for us.
Felicia is still enjoying working as HR Manager for the North Carolina Turnpike Authority. After a very difficult year due to the economic downturn, they have recently broken ground on their first project and she is excited about having positions to fill once again. She has also been trying to jumpstart her writing by participating in the National Novel Writing Month in November. This is a contest where participants try to write 50,000 words – essentially a 150 page novel – in one month. She is pleased to say that she did complete her novel and is currently editing it before sending it out to a few brave souls interested in reading it!
Kelsey had a big year this year. She turned 16 in October and was very excited to get her license and to be able to (finally) date the young man she has been “not dating” for almost two years. Spencer has spent quite a bit of time with the family, even joining us on a trip or two to the lake and with the youth group for a week at the beach. Kelsey spent a week working with migrant workers’ children at Camp Caleb in Islamorada, FL. This was a mission trip sponsored by NRCA. Kelsey enjoyed the trip very much and is looking forward to going back again this year. She continues to enjoy being a leader in the Marching Band, serving this year as Squad Captain. Sophomore year is probably the toughest year academically at NRCA, but she is doing a great job keeping her grades up. She is particularly proud that she has an A in AP Biology – one of the most challenging classes offered.
Daniel is enjoying being in fifth grade. He loves having a locker and the variety that comes with changing classes throughout the day. He continues to be our comic relief and is always able to make us laugh! Daniel is in his second year in the school concert band, playing the trombone better than ever. He was selected by his Bible teacher last year to participate in the first National Bible Bee on the local level. He and his brother have become Wii addicts and play every chance they get! Daniel also sang with Randy on our last Sunday at Watkins Chapel. He loves to sing as much as possible. It’s hard to believe that this time next year, Daniel will be in middle school. Where does the time go!
Matthew is in second grade now and has taken to referring to himself and signing his papers “Matt”. We are trying to allow him the freedom and independence to be called what he wants, even though we prefer Matthew. Matthew, Daniel, and Felicia enjoyed taking Tae Kwon Do last spring, but decided that even though their motto was “A black belt is a white belt that never gave up”, we weren’t into it enough to get to the black belt level. Matthew had a lot of fun in this year’s school Christmas musical, “Angel Alert”. He was one of the sheep in the stable where Jesus was born. He also enjoys creating his own stories and movies, usually involving legos, Indiana Jones, or various cartoons. You just watch – he’ll be the next Steven Spielberg. Then Randy & Felicia can retire in style!
Well, that is all the news we have from the Bridges’ home. You can follow us throughout the year on Facebook, Twitter, and Randy’s blog. We hope that you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior and that the New Year draws you ever closer to Him!
Merry Christmas !!!
Randy, Felicia, Megan, Kelsey, Daniel, & Matt Bridges
Once again as Christmas draws near and a new year dawns, we are thankful for an opportunity to share a few of the many ways that the Lord has blessed our family over the past year. We are giving our letter electronically this year. We hope that it will be accepted in the spirit it is intended which is one of love and good stewardship of our financial and natural resources.
When last we wrote, Megan was considering whether to attend Liberty University, Western Carolina University, or Appalachian State University. In January, after being accepted to all three schools, she promptly decided that she wanted to go to North Carolina State University! Randy and I, being die-hard Wolfpack alumni, were perfectly happy with that decision. Having missed the fall deadline for all scholarships specific to NCSU, we were a little nervous about how it would work out. But as always, God faithfully provided above all we could ask or imagine. Megan moved on campus in August & almost immediately auditioned and was cast in her first college production, Amadeus. She has adjusted quickly to college life and is doing exceptionally well in all her classes. She has also been able to work all semester on campus at the information booth where she is able to study and do homework while she works! Megan was blessed to also be able to travel to Europe with her senior class in May – a once-in-a-lifetime trip. She enjoyed it tremendously and came home saying things like, “Ciao”! To all those whose wonderful graduation gifts helped make her travel possible – she sends a very special thank you! She also got to spend a couple of weeks at the beach – one with the youth group and one with her boyfriend, Derek, and his parents.
Our church ministry is also changing as we speak. God has called us to leave our church home of the past five years, Watkins Chapel Baptist Church. We feel a bit like Abraham and Sarah who God called to set out without telling them exactly where they were headed. This was a difficult decision for our family and one we committed to prayer for quite some time. But we stepped out in faith, and God provided for us immediately. Within two weeks after leaving Watkins Chapel, Randy was called as the Interim Music Minister at Wakefield Baptist Church in Wake Forest, NC. Randy continues to teach math at NRCA and is constantly amazed at how God has blessed his ministry there. We are confident that God has more great things in store for us.
Felicia is still enjoying working as HR Manager for the North Carolina Turnpike Authority. After a very difficult year due to the economic downturn, they have recently broken ground on their first project and she is excited about having positions to fill once again. She has also been trying to jumpstart her writing by participating in the National Novel Writing Month in November. This is a contest where participants try to write 50,000 words – essentially a 150 page novel – in one month. She is pleased to say that she did complete her novel and is currently editing it before sending it out to a few brave souls interested in reading it!
Kelsey had a big year this year. She turned 16 in October and was very excited to get her license and to be able to (finally) date the young man she has been “not dating” for almost two years. Spencer has spent quite a bit of time with the family, even joining us on a trip or two to the lake and with the youth group for a week at the beach. Kelsey spent a week working with migrant workers’ children at Camp Caleb in Islamorada, FL. This was a mission trip sponsored by NRCA. Kelsey enjoyed the trip very much and is looking forward to going back again this year. She continues to enjoy being a leader in the Marching Band, serving this year as Squad Captain. Sophomore year is probably the toughest year academically at NRCA, but she is doing a great job keeping her grades up. She is particularly proud that she has an A in AP Biology – one of the most challenging classes offered.
Daniel is enjoying being in fifth grade. He loves having a locker and the variety that comes with changing classes throughout the day. He continues to be our comic relief and is always able to make us laugh! Daniel is in his second year in the school concert band, playing the trombone better than ever. He was selected by his Bible teacher last year to participate in the first National Bible Bee on the local level. He and his brother have become Wii addicts and play every chance they get! Daniel also sang with Randy on our last Sunday at Watkins Chapel. He loves to sing as much as possible. It’s hard to believe that this time next year, Daniel will be in middle school. Where does the time go!
Matthew is in second grade now and has taken to referring to himself and signing his papers “Matt”. We are trying to allow him the freedom and independence to be called what he wants, even though we prefer Matthew. Matthew, Daniel, and Felicia enjoyed taking Tae Kwon Do last spring, but decided that even though their motto was “A black belt is a white belt that never gave up”, we weren’t into it enough to get to the black belt level. Matthew had a lot of fun in this year’s school Christmas musical, “Angel Alert”. He was one of the sheep in the stable where Jesus was born. He also enjoys creating his own stories and movies, usually involving legos, Indiana Jones, or various cartoons. You just watch – he’ll be the next Steven Spielberg. Then Randy & Felicia can retire in style!
Well, that is all the news we have from the Bridges’ home. You can follow us throughout the year on Facebook, Twitter, and Randy’s blog. We hope that you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior and that the New Year draws you ever closer to Him!
Merry Christmas !!!
Randy, Felicia, Megan, Kelsey, Daniel, & Matt Bridges
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A Father's Legacy
My last post talked about my mother's legacy for the Lord. My dad's story is a little different, but the legacy he has left for me is no less important. And in fact, my dad's testimony demonstrates God's grace & mercy like few others.
My dad was an alcoholic. I remember seeing how this devastated his life and almost the entirety of our family. He and my mom were fighting regularly, and since I was the oldest, I was a spectator of how alcohol and selfishness almost cost them their marriage on several occasions. There were times I cried over what was happening at home. I also confess that once I went to college, there were many times I avoided going home on weekends and breaks because of what I expected to find there.
As a side note, while the Bible does not say "thou shalt not drink", it does give a wealth of warnings about strong drink. And don't throw those typical responses back at me: "well, Jesus drank wine"; "Jesus turned water into wine"; etc. I have yet to meet anyone, believer or unbeliever, who can accurately define for me where the dividing line is for responsible drinking, much less how much you have to drink to be intoxicated or drunk. Plus I have first hand experience with what alcohol can do to a life and a family. So, to those who say it's ok for a believer to drink, I say: can you drink alcohol to the glory of God? Does this help you fulfill the command of Scripture to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind"? Enough said. Off my soapbox now.
As devastating as alcohol was for my dad, God's grace & mercy was much greater. He was sober for the last 25 years or so of his life. That was not accomplished by his effort - it was all about God. God restored my dad and his marriage in a glorious way. Dad was transformed by God, and he committed himself to God's will and work. He loved to talk about heaven and how God had delivered him from alcohol. He invested more than ever before in my mom, my brother, and me. What a glorious change!
Possibly the most important change I saw in my dad was with mom. Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given only 6 months to live (by God's grace, she lived 2+ years!). I saw my dad humble himself and care for his wife completely, doing things for her that would be hard for most men to do for their wives, or anyone else for that matter. He and I cried together one day when he told me that he loved mom so much and couldn't imagine living without her. God's timing allowed dad to reach heaven 7 months before mom. And now they are worshiping the Lord together.
My dad has left a defining legacy for me. I pray that God will continue to change me every day, just like He did my dad. I especially pray that I can become more like the husband he was, caring for my wife and children for God's glory. Even when it's difficult and requires me to lay down everything for them. Thank you, Lord, for my father's Godly legacy to me.
Pastor Randy
My dad was an alcoholic. I remember seeing how this devastated his life and almost the entirety of our family. He and my mom were fighting regularly, and since I was the oldest, I was a spectator of how alcohol and selfishness almost cost them their marriage on several occasions. There were times I cried over what was happening at home. I also confess that once I went to college, there were many times I avoided going home on weekends and breaks because of what I expected to find there.
As a side note, while the Bible does not say "thou shalt not drink", it does give a wealth of warnings about strong drink. And don't throw those typical responses back at me: "well, Jesus drank wine"; "Jesus turned water into wine"; etc. I have yet to meet anyone, believer or unbeliever, who can accurately define for me where the dividing line is for responsible drinking, much less how much you have to drink to be intoxicated or drunk. Plus I have first hand experience with what alcohol can do to a life and a family. So, to those who say it's ok for a believer to drink, I say: can you drink alcohol to the glory of God? Does this help you fulfill the command of Scripture to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind"? Enough said. Off my soapbox now.
As devastating as alcohol was for my dad, God's grace & mercy was much greater. He was sober for the last 25 years or so of his life. That was not accomplished by his effort - it was all about God. God restored my dad and his marriage in a glorious way. Dad was transformed by God, and he committed himself to God's will and work. He loved to talk about heaven and how God had delivered him from alcohol. He invested more than ever before in my mom, my brother, and me. What a glorious change!
Possibly the most important change I saw in my dad was with mom. Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given only 6 months to live (by God's grace, she lived 2+ years!). I saw my dad humble himself and care for his wife completely, doing things for her that would be hard for most men to do for their wives, or anyone else for that matter. He and I cried together one day when he told me that he loved mom so much and couldn't imagine living without her. God's timing allowed dad to reach heaven 7 months before mom. And now they are worshiping the Lord together.
My dad has left a defining legacy for me. I pray that God will continue to change me every day, just like He did my dad. I especially pray that I can become more like the husband he was, caring for my wife and children for God's glory. Even when it's difficult and requires me to lay down everything for them. Thank you, Lord, for my father's Godly legacy to me.
Pastor Randy
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Mother's Legacy
My mother and father passed away within 7 months of each other six years ago. Man, it seems like the time has flown by so quickly. I must confess that as their son I didn't fully stop to appreciate the legacy they left behind until they were with the Lord. But even this week, God showed me again how my mother's legacy still lives on here today.
I saw an old friend at Target over the weekend. We exchanged some casual conversation, quickly catching up on family news and our current victories and challenges. Then my friend mentioned that his sister was struggling with some issues related to her marriage. She had some similar struggles many years ago, and it seems they had returned.
My friend pointed out that his sister commented how much my mother had encouraged her during the previous trial. She stated that Faye (my mom) was there through the tough times before, and she didn't know how she would make it without her again. My friend told me that my mom let his sister use her Bible for a time, providing some bookmarks for specific passages that would help. Mom told her to read those passages and seek the Lord. My friend and his sister really miss my mom.
And so do I. My mom endured a number of difficult health issues during her lifetime. She endured with God's grace & mercy as my dad was an alcoholic. And she played an important part in dad's sobriety for the last 25 years or so of his life. Mom never gave up on my dad. And I saw God do a miracle in their marriage, where they were more in love at the end than ever before. She worked hard all her life and gave me so much. But her legacy is best seen in her servant's heart and desire to minister to others, just like my friend's sister. And she ministered to me as well, more times than I can ever name.
Thanks, Mom, for your godly legacy to so many people. Only heaven will be able to measure the length & width & depth of your influence for Jesus Christ. And God has used you to make me the man I am today.
A legacy that still lives on today......
Pastor Randy
I saw an old friend at Target over the weekend. We exchanged some casual conversation, quickly catching up on family news and our current victories and challenges. Then my friend mentioned that his sister was struggling with some issues related to her marriage. She had some similar struggles many years ago, and it seems they had returned.
My friend pointed out that his sister commented how much my mother had encouraged her during the previous trial. She stated that Faye (my mom) was there through the tough times before, and she didn't know how she would make it without her again. My friend told me that my mom let his sister use her Bible for a time, providing some bookmarks for specific passages that would help. Mom told her to read those passages and seek the Lord. My friend and his sister really miss my mom.
And so do I. My mom endured a number of difficult health issues during her lifetime. She endured with God's grace & mercy as my dad was an alcoholic. And she played an important part in dad's sobriety for the last 25 years or so of his life. Mom never gave up on my dad. And I saw God do a miracle in their marriage, where they were more in love at the end than ever before. She worked hard all her life and gave me so much. But her legacy is best seen in her servant's heart and desire to minister to others, just like my friend's sister. And she ministered to me as well, more times than I can ever name.
Thanks, Mom, for your godly legacy to so many people. Only heaven will be able to measure the length & width & depth of your influence for Jesus Christ. And God has used you to make me the man I am today.
A legacy that still lives on today......
Pastor Randy
Friday, December 4, 2009
BoBerry Biscuits
Have you ever noticed that there are some things you say you don't like when you've never even tried them? I've always said that I don't like blueberries. I can't really remember any time in my life when I've tried one. But I just don't like the look of them. I know, stop laughing at me, please.
Well, this also means I have consistently successfully stayed away from the BoBerry biscuits at Bojangles. Now, I like to eat at Bo's...particularly the supremes dinner and breakfast biscuits, especially the bacon, egg & cheese ones. Very nice. But never a BoBerry biscuit.
Well, a few weeks ago, we bought some food from Bo's for the family. And that included some BoBerries. I must confess that it was the icing (low cal, I'm sure) that drew me to them initially. So I finally gave in and tried one - wow, very, very nice. Never mind that according to Bo's web site, these little jewels have 320 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 29 carbs. But they sure tasted good.
So now I'm a BoBerry biscuit fan. Praying now that the Lord will give me restraint in this area. Otherwise I'll turn into one.....
Pastor Randy
Well, this also means I have consistently successfully stayed away from the BoBerry biscuits at Bojangles. Now, I like to eat at Bo's...particularly the supremes dinner and breakfast biscuits, especially the bacon, egg & cheese ones. Very nice. But never a BoBerry biscuit.
Well, a few weeks ago, we bought some food from Bo's for the family. And that included some BoBerries. I must confess that it was the icing (low cal, I'm sure) that drew me to them initially. So I finally gave in and tried one - wow, very, very nice. Never mind that according to Bo's web site, these little jewels have 320 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 29 carbs. But they sure tasted good.
So now I'm a BoBerry biscuit fan. Praying now that the Lord will give me restraint in this area. Otherwise I'll turn into one.....
Pastor Randy
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Goodbye, Watkins Chapel
God has allowed me to serve as Associate Pastor at Watkins Chapel Baptist Church for a little over five years. That ministry draws to a close tomorrow, November 29, 2009.
I praise Him for how He has used this ministry in my life. I have grown closer to the Lord through this ministry, and I've seen Him do some awesome things in the church as well. The relationships we have developed there will last for all of eternity.
Tomorrow will a day of joy and sadness at the same time. There will be joy over all that God has done. But there will also be some sadness about leaving. I pray that God will use the time I spend with the church family for His glory.
Pastor Randy
I praise Him for how He has used this ministry in my life. I have grown closer to the Lord through this ministry, and I've seen Him do some awesome things in the church as well. The relationships we have developed there will last for all of eternity.
Tomorrow will a day of joy and sadness at the same time. There will be joy over all that God has done. But there will also be some sadness about leaving. I pray that God will use the time I spend with the church family for His glory.
Pastor Randy
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Living By Faith
For those who know's probably a shock to you, but I'm a fairly well organized person. Stop laughing. Sometimes I struggle with my effort vs. God's leadership in my life and tasks. The key question is: where is the dividing line between faith and my effort? When do I reach the point when I pass from completely trusting by faith and doing what I'm capable of doing?
Here's the short answer: everything I do is by faith! There is nothing I do that doesn't require full and complete faith in Jesus Christ. That began with my salvation and it continues every day as the Holy Spirit disciples me to be more like Christ. God has created me to bring glory to Himself. So even the most basic things I can do should reflect His glory, not my own.
Many times I get myself into trouble when I think I have the answers or ability to handle something, even simple things. God quickly brings me back to reality, often through the same Scripture passage: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Prov. 3:5-6). There is nothing too large or small for Him to do.
Some of the best lessons come when God asks me to step out in faith. The difference for Christians is that 1) we're not stepping out in faith alone - He is with us, 2) if we're moving in the direction He's leading, His Word says He will provide for us, and 3) the Bible is full of examples of how God has done this many times before. We tend to be a "seeing is believing" type of people. Why then can't we trust the examples we see in Scripture and believe He can do that again?
True biblical faith is not blind optimism or a manufactured hope-so feeling. True faith willingly accepts and acts on things it doesn't always understand. True faith isn't simply one way to please God - it's the only way (see Heb. 11:6). We sometimes face what Henry Blackaby calls a "crisis of belief". What we do in such moments reveals what we really believe about God. To me, true biblical faith is a confident obedience to God's word in spite of circumstances and consequences. If we trust in Him, He will provide - all the time.
If we follow Him by faith, then I think Eph. 3:20 starts to leap off the page in our lives: we'll see Him "do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." I want that.....I pray you do also.
Pastor Randy
Here's the short answer: everything I do is by faith! There is nothing I do that doesn't require full and complete faith in Jesus Christ. That began with my salvation and it continues every day as the Holy Spirit disciples me to be more like Christ. God has created me to bring glory to Himself. So even the most basic things I can do should reflect His glory, not my own.
Many times I get myself into trouble when I think I have the answers or ability to handle something, even simple things. God quickly brings me back to reality, often through the same Scripture passage: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Prov. 3:5-6). There is nothing too large or small for Him to do.
Some of the best lessons come when God asks me to step out in faith. The difference for Christians is that 1) we're not stepping out in faith alone - He is with us, 2) if we're moving in the direction He's leading, His Word says He will provide for us, and 3) the Bible is full of examples of how God has done this many times before. We tend to be a "seeing is believing" type of people. Why then can't we trust the examples we see in Scripture and believe He can do that again?
True biblical faith is not blind optimism or a manufactured hope-so feeling. True faith willingly accepts and acts on things it doesn't always understand. True faith isn't simply one way to please God - it's the only way (see Heb. 11:6). We sometimes face what Henry Blackaby calls a "crisis of belief". What we do in such moments reveals what we really believe about God. To me, true biblical faith is a confident obedience to God's word in spite of circumstances and consequences. If we trust in Him, He will provide - all the time.
If we follow Him by faith, then I think Eph. 3:20 starts to leap off the page in our lives: we'll see Him "do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." I want that.....I pray you do also.
Pastor Randy
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It Starts......Look Out!
Ok, well I've wanted to start a blog for a long time. Here goes nothing!
I hope this will be yet another way to minister to the world for Jesus Christ. Maybe no one will read it. Who long as it represents my journey with the Lord.
So if you're in my youth group, one of my students at NRCA, a church member, or just a creeper (jk!), remember the words of the Apostle Paul, which I pray are true for me.....
Imitate me as I imitate Christ.
Pastor Randy
I hope this will be yet another way to minister to the world for Jesus Christ. Maybe no one will read it. Who long as it represents my journey with the Lord.
So if you're in my youth group, one of my students at NRCA, a church member, or just a creeper (jk!), remember the words of the Apostle Paul, which I pray are true for me.....
Imitate me as I imitate Christ.
Pastor Randy
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