As we near the end of another school year, it's always good to reflect on the past year and God's faithfulness to me and my students. In many ways, it's been a year like no other. I've been challenged both personally and as a teacher. I hope that I've challenged my students to seek the Lord and to live a life pleasing to Him.
As I write this, I'm listening to this song....what an encouragement:
A mighty fortress is our God
A sacred refuge is Your name
Your kingdom is unshakable
With You forever we will reign
We will keep our eyes on You
So we can set our hearts on You
Lord, we will set our hearts on You
Now some random thoughts....
- I've seen God work in great ways this year. He has done some awesome things in the lives of many of my students. He has met needs, encouraged, and provided more than I could have asked or imagined. He has continued to change me as well. This has been a big year for me personally, where both Megan and Kelsey will be married, Daniel will be a high school senior, and Matt will start high school soon and be driving. And don't forget about Felicia's book launch. Wow!!! That's a lot of change in a short amount of time. But God is still faithful in all things.
- I think this year has exposed more of my own areas for improvement as a teacher than ever before. In some ways, I need to improve in how I teach. But that's normal if I'm going to be the educator God has called me to be. As an organized person, I often get caught up in the details too much. I need to use the platform God has given me to teach the content in a way that comes alive to my students. This will be a major part of my praying and planning this summer.
- I need to continue to pray that God will help me to see the true ministry of what I do at school. I know that students struggle during the middle school years more than any other. This is the time when they form their identity and often struggle the most with discovering who they are, what they believe, and where they place their value. I need to be ready to speak God's Word in those moments. I need to be available to be used by God to point these students to Christ. The research proves it - these students will develop their core beliefs about God and life right now. My prayer is that God will give me eyes to see how to invest in my students for the kingdom in greater ways going forward.
- I know I've made so many mistakes this year. I gave a harsh word when a more gentle one would do. I missed many times when a student said or did something that was a cry for encouragement. I missed several opportunities to pray with my students at the moment they expressed a need. I allowed the stress and worry in my own life to affect my attitude towards my students at times. I used sarcasm too much at times. And many more. God has a way to remind me of this and use it to make me more sensitive to the opportunities He brings. I hope to continue to grow in this.
- Our 8th grade Bible teacher, Kelvin Johns, is fighting pancreatic cancer. As I pray for him and his family, I'm also reminded of the same fight my mom fought with this disease. I pray that God will show the same grace to Kelvin as He did my mom. I also remember the words that Kelvin shared with me personally right after his diagnosis. His words were spot on, and I'm certain God gave them to him to share with me. I pray I can live up to them.
- Any success I've had this school year is ONLY by God's grace. He did it all, and He chose to use me in it. I pray my spirit is growing daily in surrender to His plans and to be used for His glory. I am so thankful that God continues to use me in spite of my weaknesses and failures. I want Him to keep breaking me of my dependence in myself, only to build me back up in Him.
- I pray my students see me as a work in progress in Christ. One of the great things about teaching is that my students get to see me struggle over an entire school year. They might see a few days when I am more faithful to God, but they also see a lot of days where I struggle. That's the work of the Spirit in the life of a believer. When you get to spend so much time around someone, you see it all. I pray they remember the journey, not a specific day.
- One more word to my students. I challenge you to be different. Be different in spiritual things, willing to follow Christ and His Word, no matter what. Be different than other students, willing to take ownership of your education, not waiting to be served, but embracing the opportunity you've been given to learn and apply what you've learned. Be different in leaving behind a sense of entitlement, remembering that God gives us all good gifts to enjoy, but with Him on the throne of your life. Be different in living everyday as an act of worship to the God who loves you and has given you life forevermore with Him.
As this is my 10th year teaching at NRCA, I've often thought back to my first few years. Man, I'm so glad I'm not the teacher I was then! God continues to prepare me for each year. He knows exactly what to do and how to get me ready. I'm confident He will do that again this summer. My prayer is that I will continue to humble myself to Him and His work in me.
I praise God for all He has done. He is great and greatly to be praised! Amen!
Mr. B.
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