Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Roadmap

For those who know me as a worship pastor, the word "roadmap" is an important one for me.  I use a roadmap each week that I lead worship.  It's not original with me - I got the idea from the man who mentored me in music ministry and worship leadership, Eric Bruton.

The idea is to try to write down all the elements of the weekly corporate worship service, including the parts of each song we're singing, transitions, notes for myself, important directions for our tech team, and much more.  It serves as the roadmap for the service each week.  However an important thing to remember is that it is only a guide.  It represents my best efforts to prepare to lead our worship services well under the prayerful leadership of the Holy Spirit.  That means if God decides to do something different, I still need to be ready and able to make any needed transitions to ensure we are faithful to follow Him.  He, of course, is our worship leader, not me.

As I've been thinking over the last few days about New Year's Day, I think looking at 2013 also requires a roadmap.  Many people make resolutions they rarely keep past the first week.  A roadmap, at least as I've defined it, makes more sense to me.  It represents a guide for my life in 2013, based entirely on what God is already doing in my life and where He's leading me to go.  But it is also flexible, so if and when God speaks and moves me in a different direction, I am ready to go.

God has been working on me for some time now, particularly in the last six months.  He's called me to make some difficult choices.  He's challenged me to think about some things differently.  He's reminded me of what's most important in my life.  I'm getting a clearer picture of what He desires.  I pray I keep listening and watching for what He desires for me.

So, here's my 2013 roadmap.  I'll spare you all of the details and just hit the highlights.  God is still filling in some of the blanks for me in terms of specific ways to measure my results.

1.  Grow in a relationship with the Lord daily through Bible study, prayer & obedience.
2.  Be a better pastor with my family - make this my top priority in ministry.
3.  Select a few people who are willing to invest their lives into mine.
4.  Continue investing my life into several young people who desire to serve in ministry.
5.  Develop better personal habits to improve my testimony for the Lord.
6.  Improve my efforts to be a life-long learner - in Bible study, music, ministry & teaching
7.  Focus more on the ministry moments God provides in each day.
8.  Be a pastor and teacher that makes a positive impact in the lives of others for God's glory.
9.  Know when to say "no" in order to focus on God's best for me & those I serve.
10. Find new ways to get better organized to achieve all God desires for me.

Yes, I know that's a lot.  But remember - it's not in my strength anyway.  May it happen as God desires, and totally and only for His glory.  Happy New Year!

Pastor Randy


  1. Solid, sound, strong and succinct. Thank you for pastoring, for leading in worship, and for your friendship. God bless you and yours in 2013. May we all grow in Him as we strive - in HIS strength! - to love and serve Him and those around us. I look forward to another year in ministry with you!
