As a teacher, I get to see many interesting things in class and around school. One of the most interesting things is to observe how God has made all my students differently. Over my six years in teaching, I've noticed that God knows best how to blend people together, from different backgrounds and with different gifts.
Take today, for example. I'm giving my first test of the school year. As I watch the students take the test, I see some who are very detailed in how they approach it. They are neat and organized, check their work carefully, and stay focused right until the end. Then there are others who are a little more laid back in their approach. They work through the test, but their work is not as organized. They are familiar with the material, but they are looking to finish quickly and move on to something they would rather be doing. And there are a few who seem to get distracted during the test. You can just look at their face and wonder what they're thinking about at that moment. Fortunately, the distraction usually only lasts a couple of minutes, then they are on their way back to working through the test.
All of these students should do well on this test today. Most of the material was a review of what was covered last year. However as the material gets more difficult, each student will need to focus more and more on the task at hand. That's part of what I must teach them this year. We can't only focus on math concepts, we must also develop good study habits that will translate to success in the future. For this class and others they will take. And we will learn this together with God guiding us all the way.
The Christian life isn't much different. God made all of us with different qualities and characteristics. We all have things we do better than others, or things that we enjoy more than others. But God has a way of blending that all together, particularly for believers who are united by one Lord, one faith, one baptism, even if we aren't united in other ways. In addition, God uses those gifts and talents He's given us to prepare us for the tests we all face each day. Good study habits for the believer, in God's Word and through prayer, will prepare us for those tests as well as living a holy life unto Him.
May I continue to be a good student of the Lord. And a good teacher that leads other to know Him more.
Pastor Randy
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