Just some thoughts & ideas on this snow day.......
I wonder why people in the south are wound so tight about bread and milk just before the snow falls. Why not make sure you've got bacon? Or snack foods? Strange....
I wonder why students are never totally happy when they get a snow day off from school. They either are mad that the school didn't make the call earlier....or that the school made the call too early in the morning and not the night before...or that they have to make up the day later on. Guess it has to do with the idea that life is all about them. Well, it's not.
I wonder why is snow white? I'm sure there's a good scientific reason. Well, here you go: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/12/09/ask-science-teacher-why-is-snow-white-and-where-does-its-color-go-when-snow/
I wonder how much people laugh at us in the south when we shut everything down after the first snow flake falls, when other areas of the country get so much more snow and yet can still function well.
I wonder what is the best way to make snow cream? I haven't had any since last year. Add enough chocolate syrup and everything tastes a little better.
I wonder why people in the south can't take a driving class to learn how to drive in snow? That would help us all be smarter on the roads when we do drive in bad weather. Maybe make it a part of driver's ed or a requirement to get your driver's license.
I wonder why I'm not sleeping right now......
Mr. B.