I try not to make New Year's resolutions. I like most of the people in the world have trouble keeping them past the first month, if that long. I saw a web post this morning that gave me this idea. What about some general resolutions or just things to consider doing in 2014. Some of these are meant more for fun than anything, although I will try at least a few of them myself. I've borrowed a few from the web post mentioned earlier. Enjoy.
Some New Year's Resolutions to Consider
1. Read a Proverb a day. I recommend reading more of God's Word than just one Proverb a day. But the Proverbs are so powerful.
2. Read the Bible everyday. Follow up to #1. Even if it's only 15 minutes, just do it. Be consistent.
3. Savor your food. Slow down and enjoy what God has given you to eat. Will probably help you eat a little better and not overeat.
4. Go on more walks. For me, that would be actually start walking again. Great way to be alone with God, listen to good music or an audio book, or spend time with family.
5. Make time for close friends. I struggle with this, being so busy and using this to justify not spending time with friends. Commit to making this a priority.
6. Encourage at least five people everyday. With social media, this should be easier than ever. But don't be afraid to still talk to someone personally.
7. Use social media & apps as a worship offering to God. I use Facebook & Twitter to pray for people with special needs. I use Evernote to keep a prayer journal. Think of social media & apps as a way to glorify God, not just comment on pages & post pictures.
8. Read one book a month. This is definitely one I want to try to improve on. I think the key is to read a little every day. Don't try to consume books in large chunks, which is harder to sustain.
9. Recruit a mentor. Look for someone who loves God who will pray for you and invest in your life.
10. Invest in someone. Look for someone you can mentor.
11. Set a limit on technology time each day. Oh man, this one can be hard. Make time for more important things for yourself and your family.
12. Don't put anything on the Internet or an app you don't want everyone to be able to see. Don't buy the lie that only your friends can see it. Using a false name or account doesn't work either. Ask yourself if what you're posting will glorify God.
13. Look for one opportunity each week to be a blessing to someone. Be creative. Make it something quick and easy. Do something in a way where the person doesn't know it's from you. For God's glory.
Ok, now some fun ones.
1. Find new ways to incorporate bacon in meals. Bacon - enough said.
2. Toilet paper your own yard one night and blame the teenagers next door.
3. Next time you get on a crowded elevator, start talking to yourself like Heath Ledger as the Joker in the Dark Knight. See what happens.
4. Saw this on a comedy show on TV recently. Next time you stay at a hotel, on your last day there, take a hot shower. Use your finger to draw on the mirror something like, "I'm watching you, Victor.". Once the mirror clears, the writing will not be visible. But when the next guest takes a shower, the writing will show on the mirror again. Now, the next guest's name might not be Victor, but if it is......well, you get the idea.
5. Pretend every day is like the movie Groundhog Day. If today were the day that would be repeated over and over again, how would you spend it? What legacy for Christ would you leave in it?
Happy New Year! Make it a great one for our great God!
Pastor Randy