Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I try not to make New Year's resolutions.  I like most of the people in the world have trouble keeping them past the first month, if that long.  I saw a web post this morning that gave me this idea.  What about some general resolutions or just things to consider doing in 2014.  Some of these are meant more for fun than anything, although I will try at least a few of them myself.  I've borrowed a few from the web post mentioned earlier.  Enjoy.

Some New Year's Resolutions to Consider

1.  Read a Proverb a day.  I recommend reading more of God's Word than just one Proverb a day.  But the Proverbs are so powerful.

2.  Read the Bible everyday.  Follow up to #1.  Even if it's only 15 minutes, just do it.  Be consistent.

3.  Savor your food.  Slow down and enjoy what God has given you to eat.  Will probably help you eat a little better and not overeat.

4.  Go on more walks.  For me, that would be actually start walking again.  Great way to be alone with God, listen to good music or an audio book, or spend time with family.

5.  Make time for close friends.  I struggle with this, being so busy and using this to justify not spending time with friends.  Commit to making this a priority.

6.  Encourage at least five people everyday.  With social media, this should be easier than ever.  But don't be afraid to still talk to someone personally.

7.  Use social media & apps as a worship offering to God.  I use Facebook & Twitter to pray for people with special needs.  I use Evernote to keep a prayer journal.  Think of social media & apps as a way to glorify God, not just comment on pages & post pictures.

8.  Read one book a month.  This is definitely one I want to try to improve on.  I think the key is to read a little every day.  Don't try to consume books in large chunks, which is harder to sustain.

9.  Recruit a mentor.  Look for someone who loves God who will pray for you and invest in your life.

10.  Invest in someone.  Look for someone you can mentor.

11.  Set a limit on technology time each day.  Oh man, this one can be hard.  Make time for more important things for yourself and your family.

12.  Don't put anything on the Internet or an app you don't want everyone to be able to see.  Don't buy the lie that only your friends can see it.  Using a false name or account doesn't work either.  Ask yourself if what you're posting will glorify God.

13.  Look for one opportunity each week to be a blessing to someone.  Be creative.  Make it something quick and easy.  Do something in a way where the person doesn't know it's from you.  For God's glory.

Ok, now some fun ones.

1.  Find new ways to incorporate bacon in meals.  Bacon - enough said.

2.  Toilet paper your own yard one night and blame the teenagers next door.

3.  Next time you get on a crowded elevator, start talking to yourself like Heath Ledger as the Joker in the Dark Knight.  See what happens.

4.  Saw this on a comedy show on TV recently.  Next time you stay at a hotel, on your last day there, take a hot shower.  Use your finger to draw on the mirror something like, "I'm watching you, Victor.".  Once the mirror clears, the writing will not be visible.  But when the next guest takes a shower, the writing will show on the mirror again.  Now, the next guest's name might not be Victor, but if it is......well, you get the idea.

5.  Pretend every day is like the movie Groundhog Day.  If today were the day that would be repeated over and over again, how would you spend it?  What legacy for Christ would you leave in it?

Happy New Year!  Make it a great one for our great God!

Pastor Randy

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mom & Dad

As we near Thanksgiving 2013, we also recently arrived at a notable date in history.  November 22 was the anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, TX.  This year marks the 50th anniversary of that event in our nation's history.  In addition, November 22, 1963 is the day that C.S. Lewis died.  But November 22, 1963 is also an important date for another reason.

This is the day that my mom and dad got married.  So at least I can say that they were not on the grassy knoll.  Mom & Dad's anniversary this year marks 50 years.  They are both with their Savior today and have been for about 9 years now.  I had the opportunity to give testimony about them in my class last week.  Their lives as individual and a couple didn't follow what we might call a "typical" story.

But even with many trials and difficulties, I saw God do great things in their lives, particularly over their last few years together on earth.  I particular remember how God changed my dad's life, transforming him from an alcoholic who was very self-centered, to a man who loved Jesus passionately.  Dad loved to talk about heaven all the time.  I remember going through his office after he died and finding so many examples of Scripture and quotes focused on heaven.  God also transformed my dad into one of the best caregivers I've ever seen.  When my mom found out she had cancer, Dad stepped up in a great way to take care of her.  It was a very difficult time, but God showed grace through him to my mom.  My dad's testimony is proof that God is definitely in the life change business.

I told my students that while I didn't want to be like my dad before this transformation took place, I definitely wanted to be like him after it did.  My mom also showed great courage and a love for God, even while battling cancer, that I desire in my life as well.  My parents didn't show me what a perfect marriage is like.  But they did show me how God can transform a couple and a marriage and make it something that is a sweet fragrance to Him.  They showed me two people who, often when arriving at the end of themselves, could turn everything over to God and see Him restore what they couldn't.

I find myself missing my parents a lot at this time of year, from Thanksgiving through Christmas.  But this year has been amplified, probably because it's the 50th anniversary of their marriage.  But even still, I praise the Lord for what He has done, both in them and in me.  I pray that He will keep transforming me into the image of Christ as He desires.  That my personal walk with Him will grow every day, and that my marriage will be pleasing to Him.

Mr. B.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Questions You Should Not Ask

They say there's no such thing as a dumb question, right?  Well, maybe there aren't any dumb questions, but for my middle school students, there sure are some questions you probably shouldn't ask.  At least not ask your teacher anyway.

A few weeks ago, after hearing a few of these types of questions repeatedly one day, I decided to create this list.  Now, just so you know, I didn't do this alone.  In fact, I asked my homeroom students to help me.  In fact, they generated almost all of these questions without my assistance.  So the funny thing is....they already know these are questions they probably shouldn't ask their teachers.  Talk about irony....

The big idea with these questions is that they reveal the fact that the students who ask them either didn't study for the test or were not paying attention the first time.  Or they are too focused on the grade and not learning the concepts.  Or just not listening.....

So here's the list.  Enjoy.  I laugh out loud every time I read it.

Mr. B.

Questions You Probably Shouldn’t Ask Your Teacher

1. Is this going to be on the quiz?

2. Are you taking this for a grade?

3. Is this for completion or accuracy?

4. When are we ever going to use this in life?

5. I don’t get it. (By the way, that’s not even a question).

6. Do we have to write this down?

7. Is this on our homework?

8. Can I just ……?

9. Do we need our calculators (markers, erasers, red pens, pencils, books, etc.) today?

10. What page are we on?

11. Do I write this in pen or pencil?

12. Can we start on homework?

13. Can we leave class a minute early?

14. I didn’t know…..

15. Is it ok if I do that a different way?

16. Do we have a quiz today?

17. Do we have to do the homework?

18. I just forgot my question.

19. No wait, how did you do that?

20. Can you repeat that?

21. What number was that?

22. Have you graded my test?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lord, I Need You

Great song from Matt Maher.  Feeling it a little more today than normal.  The enemy is trying to keep me down.  Just shows how much I need God.

Lord, I come, I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
Without You I fall apart
You're the One that guides my heart

Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You

Where sin runs deep Your grace is more
Where grace is found is where You are
And where You are, Lord, I am free
Holiness is Christ in me

Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You

Teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You
Jesus, You're my hope and stay

Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You

You're my one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You

Pastor Randy

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to School

Well, another summer is done for me.  I go back to school tomorrow for teacher in-service training.  Then, one week later, the students arrive.  While I am always sad that summer vacation has to end, I also enter this new school year with great anticipation of God doing a great work.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, every member of my family is undergoing some sort of transition or change this year.  Mine is moving back to 8th grade and becoming a department head.  As I've been working through some pre-planning, I believe God is already working on me first even before the students arrive at school.  I'm excited about what He's showing me.  There's still much to do, but I'm trusting Him to do something beyond my imagination this year.

This year I will have the pleasure of teaching most of the same students I taught last year.  I'm sure some of them aren't completely happy about that fact.  But I hope to lead them well in learning about Algebra and the God who made it.  I will miss working with the 7th grade team this year, but I'm also excited about working with the 8th grade team.  I am very thankful to be able to work in the ministry of NRCA.

The message today at Summit Church was awesome, as usual.  Some of the notes I took certainly apply to how I want to approach this year.  They include the following:

- Desire to live a life that matters for eternity.
- We can't make God move in our lives, but we can make room for Him to move.
- The best I can offer God in my own strength is a filthy rag.
- We cannot manipulate God, but we can trust Him.
- Grab hold of Jesus and don't let Him go.

That last one is good...grab hold of Jesus and don't let Him go.  The only way I see that God can do something beyond my imagination is if I let go and get out of the way.  I desire to let go of my plans, my desires, my will, and grab hold of what He has for me.  And not let go.  I pray that will be my focus for this school year.  I need to get out of the way.  He is more than able to make this a great year, for me and my students.  Grab hold of Him and don't let go.

Mr. B.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Transitions & A God Who Is Bigger

It's 5:45am on a Thursday morning, and I'm up earlier than usual at my computer.  You may say that's not really that early to be up on a Thursday, but remember, I'm on summer vacation.  Somehow I think I'm violating some unwritten teacher rule about being up before sunrise during the summer.

I couldn't sleep well last night for a variety of reasons.  Megan had to avoid a potential accident on Capital Blvd on her way home from rehearsal last night.  Some crazy guy driving south in a north-bound lane.  God was protecting her and helped her avoid what could have been a bad accident.  There are some other things on my mind right now, and I guess all that stress led me to talk in my sleep last night.  I dreamed that someone was trying to press in the walls of our bedroom, and I had to do something about it.  If you want to hear more stories about my talking (and the ocassional walking) in my sleep, see Felicia for more details.

As I sit here early this morning and reflect on all this, I realized (not for the first time) that our family is in the midst of a year of transitions.  All six of us are either in the middle of a transition or about to go through one in the next month or so.  For our family, 2013 will always be remembered for the transitions we endured.  I pray it will also be known for the work of God in our lives.  Here are some of the transitions I'm talking about:

Felicia - she started a new job in a new division in state gov't in January.  While she's getting integrated well after seven months, she's still learning and getting up to speed.  She's also experiencing a transition with a new writing project that was published just recently.

Megan - she graduated from NC State in May and is looking for full-time employment.  Megan has to make a tough transition - she's no longer a student for the first time in her life.  Being an adult takes on a lot of new meaning when you leave college.

Kelsey - she starts her sophomore year in college this Fall, but at a new school.  She has transferred to the College at Southeastern, leaving UNC-CH behind.  I'd say that's a pretty big transition, going from Carolina to Southeastern.  But God is able.

Daniel - he starts high school this Fall at NRCA.  I see God doing so much in his life.  This will be a big year for Daniel, a lot different than middle school.

Matt - he starts middle school this Fall at NRCA.  One of the biggest transitions a student makes is going from elementary to middle school.  Matt has his work cut out for him this year.

And then there's me, too.  So many transitions for me this year.  It started with a move out of a church ministry position, and I continue to wait on the Lord for that.  I also will be moving to teach Algebra I in 8th grade at NRCA, while also transitioning to some new roles on the middle school team.  Our entire family is also transitioning to a new church, which brings additional things to think about and decisions to make.

Wow!  That's a lot of transitions.  And how funny that all of us are going through our own individually and a few more as a family.  But as I reflect on all this again this morning, I'm also reminded how big my God is.  Scripture is filled with encouragement that God is not surprised by our circumstances.  It tells us that nothing is too difficult for God.  He is able and already working in today's circumstances, with a perfect view of what tomorrow will bring.  The Bible tells us that God always keeps His promises.  What an awesome comfort that is!

I may not know what tomorrow holds.  I may not understand why God allows things to happen the way He does.  I may not know how today's circumstances will work out.  But I trust in a God who knows me better than I know myself.  He is able.  The words of the song by that name always comfort and assure me:

He is able, more than able, to accomplish what concerns me today
He is able, more than able, to handle anything that comes my way
He is able, more than able, to do much more than I could ever dream
He is able, more than able, to make me what He wants me to be

When I reflect on those lyrics, I'm also reminded of the passage from Ephesians 3:20-21:

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.

Pastor Randy

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ministry Update

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my family and me.  We appreciate you and your prayers more than I can say.  It's been a while since my last post, so I thought I'd give a brief update on where we are right now.  I continue to desire your prayers as I seek to know God's plan for us.

As you may know, we left Wakefield Baptist Church at the end of February.  We continue to miss seeing and worshipping with our Wakefield family.  Shortly after leaving Wakefield, the Lord brought several ministry opportunities to me for consideration.  I began discussions and some interviews with a few churches in the area for ministries with music and students.  All of these ministries were bi-vocational, similar to the ones I have been serving in for about 15 years.  As I prayed and considered each opportunity, God drew me closer to Himself through the process.  But in His wisdom, none of the opportunities were the right place of service for me.  I am thankful for His work in me through this process.  I continue to wait on Him to lead in placing me in the ministry He desires.

At the same time, God has been working in other ways that are exciting.  My commitment to North Raleigh Christian Academy is unchanged.  I continue to see God working there, and He has blessed me richly in this ministry.  God has opened up some new opportunities for me at NRCA this fall.  I will be teaching Algebra I in 8th grade this year.  While I'm sad to be leaving the 7th grade team, I'm also looking forward to moving into a new challenge.  And I get to teach the same students again as last year.  This is a great chance to continue to reinforce God's truth to them and develop even closer relationships with them.  In addition, I will be serving as the math department head and 8th grade-level lead this fall.  I accepted these roles with great humility, knowing that I will be relying on the teams I work closely with for our mutual success for God's glory.  I praise God for allowing me to step into these new roles.  I pray I lead in them for Him alone.

While we wait to see how God works in church ministry, our family has been visiting The Summit Church.  We have been visiting often since we left Wakefield.  We love it there and are seriously considering joining the church soon.  God has used this time to refresh us and give us great instruction from His Word.  Plus, we have been able to attend Summit as a family, especially while the girls are home for the summer.

In addition, our family continues to grow in the Lord and in the changes He's bringing our way.  Not only with ministry for me.  Felicia is enjoying her job at DHHS and just returned recently from the writer's conference.  She is excited about how God is using her writing.  Megan has graduated from NC State and is enjoying her new jobs.  Kelsey also has two jobs this summer to earn college money, which will be spent at the College at Southeastern this fall.  Daniel is about to enter high school, which he is very excited about.  Matt is entering middle school this year, and he gets an extra year before getting me as his math teacher.  I am blessed beyond imagination by my family.  God is working in great ways.

I am both blessed and challenged as I look to the future.  Blessed by the many ways God is working and providing for me and my family.  Blessed by the new opportunities He is bringing my way.  Challenged as I wait to see what His plan is in ministry.  But God is good in all things.  I know His way is always best.  Thanks again for your continued prayers for our family.

Pastor Randy

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Real or Fake?

I love the fact that I get to serve at a Christian school.  Not only do I get to teach math, but more importantly I get to weave Scripture into everything I do in class.  This past week was no exception.

I read part of Ephesians 4 in class, specifically highlighting vv. 11-15.  In the context, Paul reminds us that we are taught the Word of God for several reasons:  the equipping of the saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ, the unity of the faith, the knowledge of Jesus, the growth to a perfect man in the fullness of Christ, and more.  I focused on v. 14, which tells us we grow in the Word so we will not remain as children, tossed about by false doctrine and the tricks of men.  Rather, because of the Word, we are able to speak the truth in love and grow up in all things in Christ.

I shared with my students that the only way they can trust what they are hearing is to filter it through the Bible.  I gave several examples of this, including the movie "Catch Me If You Can".  The story is about Frank Abignale, Jr., a true story about a man who made counterfeit checks and stole money from several companies.  He was eventually arrested and served time in prison.  However when he had served his time, he was hired by the FBI to help with identifying conterfeit checks.  In fact, he was so good at his job that someone asked him about it, wondering how he got so good at spotting fake checks.  Frank's response was that he had studied real checks so much that it was easy to spot the fake ones.

My message to my students was simple:  you'll only know truth if you've studied the only truth so well that you can easily spot something that's fake.  There are too many things in this world that sound almost like biblical truth, but they fall short in some way.  Some fall short in a big way, usually in terms of their view of Jesus Christ.  The only way you can know for sure is to line it up against God's Word.  If it fails the comparison test, then it's a fake.

I saw this revealed again this morning.  I've been able occasionally to watch some preaching on TV on Sunday mornings before church.  Today, I watched two TV preachers.  One was Dr. David Jeremiah, and I can tell you I trust his teaching.  He did an awesome job today with Philippians 2.  Then I watched another TV preacher, who's name I will not use, but he is a very popular preacher of a very large church.  The second preacher largely encouraged his congregation in the complete opposite direction of what I believe the Bible teaches about serving one another and relationships.  The first guy preached on how Jesus was the ultimate example of a servant, coming to earth as the God man.  The second guy preached on how we should cut off those people who drain us and we should focus on our own destiny, using no Scripture to back up his words.

God does not want us to be confused.  That's one reason we have the Bible.  It's our textbook for life.  But more than that, it is truth.  I encourage you to apply Frank Abignale, Jr.'s idea to the Christian realm.  Know the Word of God so well that you can easily spot what is fake.  Let the Holy Spirit affirm it in your heart and give you the power to live it in your life.

Pastor Randy

Monday, March 11, 2013

ACC Basketball Tourney Picks

Ok, here you go.  My ACC Tournament picks for this year.  Enjoy.

Thursday's Games:

GA Tech over Boston College
NCSU over VA Tech
Wake Forest over Maryland
Florida State over Clemson (sorry Mrs. Lilly)

Friday's Games (assumes my picks win on Thursday):

Miami over GA Tech
NCSU over Virginia
Duke over Wake Forest
UNC over Florida State

Saturday's Games (assumes my picks win on Friday):

NCSU over Miami
UNC over Duke

Sunday's Game (assumes my picks win on Saturday):


Yes, I know I'm an NC State fan.  If I set that aside for a moment, my second choice would be UNC.  Not because I like them that much, but if it turns out to be Duke vs. UNC on Saturday, I think UNC wins the game.  They have a lot to make up for after the last game between these two teams.

Just my opinion.  That and a dollar will buy you a Snickers bar at the grocery store.

Friday, February 1, 2013

God is Sovereign

Sovereign in the mountain air
Sovereign on the ocean floor
With me in the calm
With me in the storm
Sovereign in my greatest joy
Sovereign in my deepest cry
With me in the dark
With me at the dawn
In Your everlasting arms
All the pieces of my life
From beginning to the end I can trust You
In Your never-failing love
You work everything for good
God whatever comes my way I will trust You
All my hopes all I need
Held in Your hands
All my life all of me
Held in Your hands
All my fears all my dreams
Held in Your hands

Chris Tomlin | Jason Ingram | Jonas Myrin | Martin Chalk | Matt Redman
© 2012 Said And Done Music A Thousand Generations Publishing sixsteps Music Sixsteps Songs worshiptogether.com songs Worship Together Music Thankyou Music Sony/ATV Timber Publishing Open Hands Music SHOUT! Music Publishing Martin Chalk

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Whom Shall I Fear

You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light
Whom shall I fear

You crush the enemy underneath my feet
You are my sword and shield
Though troubles linger still
Whom shall I fear

I know Who goes before me
I know Who stands behind
The God of angel armies is always by my side
The One who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies is always by my side

My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save
You will deliver me
Yours is the victory
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear

And nothing formed against me shall stand
You hold the whole world in Your hands
I'm holding on to Your promises
You are faithful
You are faithful

Chris Tomlin | Ed Cash | Scott Cash
© 2012 Worship Together Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Sixsteps Songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
A Thousand Generations Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Alletrop Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)