Thank you so much for being You. Thank you for loving me & saving me. Thank you for providing me Your grace and mercy, for demonstrating Your love through Christ. I stand in awe of You today more than ever before. And yet I see that my need for You in all areas of my life are greater today than ever before as well.
Today, You allowed me to see my beautiful daughter go to her senior prom. Just like You did a few years ago with my first daughter. And in the process, You reminded me again how big You are, and how small I am. I am nothing without You. I am certainly not capable of being a man of God, much less a Godly father, without You. Your leading. Your strength. Your love. Your conviction in my life.
I still have so much to learn. Teach me as only You can. Help me to be a man who fears & obeys You, so that my boys will see what a man can do & be when God has complete control of his life. Help me to be an encouragement to my daughters as they turn the pages of new chapters in their lives. Most of all, help me be a husband that loves my wife passionately & builds her up in Christ every day.
Father, all this can only happen if I'm fully surrendered to You. Break me. Mold me. Tear down the walls I've built and relied upon. Renew my strength day by day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of what you're doing in my family.....and in the world. But help them to know that anything & everything I am is because of You.
Pastor Randy